12 year prayer saint bridget

12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

If you are looking for a powerful prayer that can help you connect with God, then the 12-year prayer of Saint Bridget is an excellent choice. This prayer is said to have been given to Saint Bridget of Sweden by Jesus Christ Himself, and it is said to bring many blessings to those who recite it faithfully.

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12-year prayer of Saint Bridget is a series of prayers that are said for 12 years in a row. Each year, the prayer is said once a day for a total of 365 days. The prayer is said to have been given to Saint Bridget by Jesus Christ in a vision, and it is said to bring many blessings to those who recite it faithfully.
The prayer consists of 15 prayers, each of which is said once a day for a year. The prayers are focused on different aspects of the life of Jesus Christ, and they are said to help the person reciting them to deepen their faith and connect more deeply with God.

How to Recite the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

To recite the 12-year prayer of Saint Bridget, you will need to say one prayer each day for 12 years. You can start the prayer on any day of the year, but it is recommended that you start on the feast day of Saint Bridget, which is February 1st.
Each year, you will say one prayer a day for 365 days. At the end of the 12 years, you will have said all 15 prayers a total of 12 times each. You can say the prayer at any time of day, but it is recommended that you say it at the same time each day to help make it a habit.

The Benefits of Reciting the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

The 12-year prayer of Saint Bridget is said to bring many blessings to those who recite it faithfully. Some of the benefits of reciting the prayer include:
- Increased faith and spiritual growth - Protection from evil spirits - Forgiveness of sins - Strengthening of relationships - Physical healing - Financial blessings
It is important to note that the benefits of the prayer are not guaranteed. The prayer is a tool to help deepen your faith and connect with God, but the results will depend on your own effort and faithfulness in reciting the prayer.

FAQs About 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

Can I start reciting the prayer at any time of the year? Yes, you can start the prayer on any day of the year. It is recommended that you start on the feast day of Saint Bridget, which is February 1st, but it is not required.
Do I have to recite the prayer at the same time every day? No, you can recite the prayer at any time of day. However, it is recommended that you recite the prayer at the same time each day to help make it a habit.
What if I miss a day of reciting the prayer? If you miss a day of reciting the prayer, simply continue where you left off the next day. You do not have to start over.


The 12-year prayer of Saint Bridget is a powerful tool for deepening your faith and connecting with God. By reciting the prayer faithfully for 12 years, you can experience many blessings, including increased faith, protection from evil, forgiveness of sins, and physical healing. If you are looking for a way to deepen your spiritual life, consider starting the 12-year prayer of Saint Bridget today.